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Ready to move in Large Terrace 55 Fbg Apartment, Paris

Renovation work, interior design and decoration.

The transformation of offices into furnished apartment has lead to a totally new floor plan. Challenge was to bring maximum natural light to the 37sqm 2 rooms apartment. Thanks to well conceived atrium windows, lighting from the 2 windows facing south allows indirect daylight into the bedroom.

Herringbone parquet flooring, mouldings, rosette and painted walls give the impression that the place has always existed.

Result is a haven of peace, a fully equiped functional apartment.

© photos Yvan Moreau

Selig&Renault_Grande Terrasse 55 Fbg_Par
Selig&Renault_Grande Terrasse 55 Fbg_Par
Selig&Renault_Grande Terrasse 55 Fbg_Par

Selig & Renault - 32 rue Leopold Bellan, 75002 Paris - Tel : 06 20 50 05 76 - Mail :

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